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Managing our Woods

Old management systems for the future of our woods


A call for the return to the old methods of woodland management for the good of the woods and the Planet


by Michael Smith (Veshengro), RFA, RFS, EcoFor


Managing our Woods: Old management systems for the future of our woods by Michael Smith (Veshengro) is a small 80 pages A4 e-book in PDF form on the whys and wherefores of proper woodland management by managing our woods again in the ways that our forefathers did for thousands of years, namely predominately by coppicing.


While coppicing does not work with coniferous trees that the British Forestry Commission and others have planted as woods and forests in the last century or so it does with most broadleaved trees and that is what our woods were ones made up of mostly and that is also what they must be returned to once again.


The author has worked in all aspects woodland management and forestry since childhood and writes from the heart as much as from the head.


Price: £7.95 PDF (sent per email attachment) 

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